Rent a Placed apartment in Kiel

Placed apartment in Kiel

Rent a Placed apartment in Kiel? Let's go!

Search, find and rent an apartment – digitally, quickly and easily with Placed. By renting a Placed flat you not only save time, but also benefit from the next level quality of living. Kiel is a beautiful city surrounded by fjords and beaches. With its diverse cultural, sports and educational offering it is a livable and relaxed place at the same time. Look forward to the maritime flair in Kiel and find your new home in just a few easy steps at

Living in Kiel: Discover your new city!

Start your day along the “Kieler Förde”, breathe in the sea air and let the wind blow around your ears. Sounds good? Find your apartment in Kiel with Placed now. Renting has never been so easy.

Relaxed big city at the Baltic Sea: That’s Kiel

If you think a relaxed and big city don’t go together, you have to come to Kiel. In addition to a well-developed public transport network, Kiel has short distances that you can easily cover by foot. Alternatively, you can ride your bike because Kiel is a bike-friendly city that places great emphasis on climate protection and environmental responsibility.
On the “Kieler Förde” you can watch the passing ships and discover some lighthouses during an extensive walk at the beach. Shopping fans are drawn to Kiel’s city centre or Holtenauer Straße. Here you will find numerous stores, cafés and restaurants that offer something for every taste. With its high tower, Kiel’s city hall stands out in the cityscape. Come by and discover the city from the north with a great view!

Holiday feelings in Kiel

Located at the Baltic Sea Kiel is the perfect starting point for a trip to Scandinavia. For example you can take the Stena Line all the way to Gothenburg or even a mini-cruise to Norway. Are you in the mood for a short trip within Germany? Then let’s go! Kiel’s central station is right in the city centre where you can start your journey. An hour later you’ll be in Lübeck or Hamburg. Bremen and Berlin are only a few hours away by train, too.
But even in Kiel you will get the holiday mood – with fancy bars next to the sea, where you can relax and have a drink in the sun.

Kieler Woche – No week is like this

As the capital of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel has developed into a future-oriented location for students, singles, young families as well as older people. The maritime flair is particularly characteristic. A university and research institutions are also located here. In addition there is a wide range of cultural activities like festivals, museums, theatres and of course the annual “Kieler Woche”. Visit the big event where sailors from different countries come together and you can feast on culinary delights. If you are looking for a place to relax and recover, the “Ratsdienergarten” and “Kleiner Kiel” are highly recommended. In the middle of the city centre, the green area with lake invites to stay.